the resplendent bride and groom |
I titled this post The Montana fishing hermit goes east, but in all fairness it should have been something more like "The world announces the splendidly new Dawn and Dan Crouse". Since our reason for for going east was my brother in laws wedding, However, my wife is pretty smart and knows if she throws me a bone in the from of fishing possibilities it's easier to get me on-board. I only know of two readers of my blog, at least two that will call me on not posting, one of them is my father in law John (see below) the other is Ron Johnson back home in Montana. So I promised John a good post from his home state, once I got back to Montana. The reason it took so long was I wanted to do something different. I decided on a Newsletter, and while it only took a day or so to finish it has taken a couple of weeks to figure out how to put a publisher file into blogger. I think I finally have it you just have to click on this link to see the fruits of my labors. I hope...
lovely wife Julie, brother Dave, her mom Sue, dad John, sister Lizzie, brother Scott, yours truly |
So I did my research on NY fly fishing and found out that Roscoe NY is the self-proclaimed Trouttown USA, and that it was the birthplace of American flyfishing. One would think my kind of place, except every thing I read said these rivers were "highly technical fisheries". In my experience this meant slow moving streams, 7x tippet, fish that have seen every fly known to man, and fishing arm in arm with your neighbor.
think these East Branch of the Delaware fish knew I was there? |
The Beaverkill was a happy surprise I found cold water lots of current and not nearly as many people as I might have expected.
yay! Fishing the beaverkill near Roscoe NY |
old bridge over the Beaverkill
In case you didn't click on my fancy link I figured out how to do, one of the best things about fishing the Beaverkill is you don't really have to start fishing until 7 or 8 in the evening, when the hatches come off, which gave us plenty of time for our second favorite activity. Beer drinking!
whoopin it up in Trouttown. |
If you want to see how my fishing went or about my pilgrimage to the Orvis headquarters in Vemont you need to check out
trouttown fishing
yours truly enjoying a fine "Trouttown brown" ale, while he waits for the bugs to fly
Clay, Where is your fish? Nice pictures as usual, but readers of your blog want to see your fish. BTW great picture of Julie.