Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dear redneck..........

red neck fishing retreat available now...

              Don't get me wrong some of my favorite people are rednecks.  Let's see, there is Jesse AKA the dog, drives a diesel F-350 and works in a gun manufacturing plant. There is my wife's "new old cousins" whom she "found" on ancestry.com, that live in North Carolina. Also her cousins back in New York.  Not to mention many folks I hung out with crab fishing in Alaska.  I get along with all these people, especially Jesse who I have known and fished with for years, (see blog post numero uno for more info on the dog).

the log in question is middle right, (notice the Pooper sitting on the hill)

So when one day when I was fishing the Thompson I pulled into a campsite to fish one of my favorite holes (the "upper camp hole" I call it). Something caught my eye, and written in sharpie on a dead tree/log was the following;

Some sage advice from some unknown author
I searched the internet for rednecks and it mostly said that rednecks were basically "poor white people from the south with prejudiced attitudes. oh yeah, and lots of pictures of mullets and mud bogging. I do know one of my favorite songs is Jerry Jeff Walkers' up against the wall redneck mother, but I think he was from Texas so it makes sense to me.
notice the "rod buddy" rod holder, my best present ever!

Though all this redneck stuff sounds like a slam on people that drive pickemuptrucks and have more ears than teeth, I think the joke is on us, because it seems that redneck is becoming cool and profitable. Just look at the mass of redneck stuff available to the American consumer for instance cabelas is all about outfitting everybody in camo everything. There are even some folks getting rich on redneck, how about Duck Dynasty.

Even the most Redneck of us all has to love the Camp Hole
While I think this is great; I remember people have been getting rich off all sorts whacko ideas and fads for a long time, like hula hoops, pet rocks, and the clapper. Maybe with a little more cash they will cease to be redneck. However, for the most part I think it is wise to remember the words of some unknown graffiti scribbler on the Thompson River........ "just stay home and try not to have sex"

I didn't photoshop the "clean up" part out, as, it also sounded like good advice.

Hermit out!